The two big struggles in Romania: a message for international solidarity!

This is a message for immediate international distribution. Re-post and share!


Greek version can be found HERE


Sunday, the 1st of September, will mark the beginning of a new age in the struggles which are carried out in Romania. Protests will occur in more than 10 cities across the country (and more cities are deciding to participate at this nation-wide protest every day) against gold mining and shale gas fracking. The same thing will happen in many cities across Europe and even in North America.

For more than 15 years, there is a struggle against a Canadian gold mining corporation that wants to exploit gold and silver from the Apuseni mountains, in the western part of the country, which would represent the biggest open-pit mining project in Europe. The corporation wishes to erase the village of Roşia Montană and four mountain tops, only to be replaced by a lake full of cyanide. The estimations are that there will be used about 200.000 tons of cyanide, only to process 200 tons of gold and a couple hundred tons of silver! What will be next is a apocalypse, with extremely high chances of toxic catastrophy across Romania, Hungary, the Danube river and even the Black Sea.

People are pressured to leave their homes, and those that remain and resist are going to be expropriated by the paramilitary private police of the company, of course in the name of the state and it’s so called „national interests”. Mass-media has been bought, the same happened to the Government. Three days ago, the Government has passed the law project that will permit this exploitation to occur. What remains between a wish and reality is the decision of the Parliament. And this thing happened even if, for 14 years, the Government admitted that there are many illegal things done by the corporation.

In the same time, Chevron is almost on the brink of fracking the earth beneath our feet! There already have been made a couple of illegal probes, and in some parts of the country, the villagers are boycotting the corporation by stealing the wires used for detonations which have been layed out illegally on their property. Some villagers also got physically abused by the private henchman of the private corporations doing the prospects (owned by non-other than Franck Timis, one of the people behind the Roşia Montană project also). If they would start fracking, a very large portion of the country would be destroyed, and the environment heavily polluted! They tell us that we need shale gas to quit the dreaded dependency on Russian gas, but they say nothing about the fact that Romania is the one of the 3 European states that produces more gas than it uses. The problem is that we have privatized the natural gas and what is produced here is sold at cheap prices for the benefit of the powerful states of the Union while we import gas at very high prices.

People in the villages are informed and organized by activists, the majority of them shouting that if Chevron starts drilling, they will stop being peaceful, and take out their forks and resist! Words like „defending our land”, „industrial sabotage” and the likes can be heard more and more often. In some villages, the people have threatened the officials, and in others, like the city of Bârlad, that is the center of resistance against fracking, people take to the streets protesting in the thousands.

In the last couple of years, people from Romania forgot that they had a voice, that they had power, that they could change something. Many accepted the current situation of poverty and corruption, and forgot that they could unite and fight together. But Chevron and RMGC (Roşia Montană Gold Corporation – the Romanian „child” of the Canadian corporation) with the complicity of the state obliged us to wake up! People are very angry, they are fed up with what is happening for the last 24 years, since the so-called Revolution of ’89. They have had enough of the corrupt and dysfunctional political system and of the exploitative economical system. Every hope of this situation being just a phase of a wild capitalism (kind of local, Balkan – corrupt capitalism) that migrates towards a civilized, rule of law kind of capitalism has vanished. Since the states regulates by law theft and destruction what is the meaning of law? How benefits from the law and who are it’s victims? It is time to act!

This is a message for international solidarity! If we all are united against our common enemies, the State and Capital, one day, we could bring a better world in the place of the current one! Our commons are under attack: education, land, nature, water, health care just to name a few. In front of this new wave of primitive accumulation we must resist united and strong!

And the motto of the resistance is „The Revolution begins at Roşia Montană!”

14 gânduri despre „The two big struggles in Romania: a message for international solidarity!

  1. Din punct de vedere LEGAL, ideea de BAZA e ca aurul din (muntii din) Romania e AL NOSTRU, al poporului si NU al altor tari si nici al guvernului! 
    Guvernul e platit de noi (de popor!), ca sa administreze acest bun al nostru/poporului, in numele si folosul nostru(!), al poporului.
    POPORUL (deci PROPRIETARUL! acestui aur), NU VREA sa il dea strainilor! Asta e CLAR!
    Guvernul, pe care noi il platim sa ne reprezinte interesele, ne-a tradat, si platiti de dusmani, reprezinta acum interesele ALTOR tari/popoare, fapt care automat ANULEAZA d.p.d.v. LEGAL functia lui de reprezentare a poporului roman si odata cu ea si puterea politica pe care au primit-o (de la noi!), cand le-am dat aceasta functie/insarcinare.
    CONCLUZIA e ca guvernul actual al Romaniei e ILEGAL si trebuie dat jos imediat fiindca incompetenta, lasitatea si coruptia lui, i-au facut pe guvernanti sa uite ca ei NU SUNT STAPANII 😉 poporului, ci SLUJITORII lui(!), iar cand slujitorii nu isi fac datoria conform dorintelor stapanilor, stapanii ii poate da imediat afara fara drept de apel, eventual cu extrem prejudiciu daca e necesar! 
    Luati exemplu de la altii..

  2. Pacat de tara romaneasca…a-ti vandut-o pe nimic si acum ce a mai ramas e aurul pe care il dati canadienilor pe nimic…rusine politicienilor si tuturor implicati. ..sper ca intr-o zi generatia noua se va trezi si vor schimba ceva…

  3. Total impotriva insa nu uitati si de gazele de sist…fracturarea hidraulica( fraking) este o tehnologie extrem de poluanta, mai cu seama intr-o tara precum Romania unde in zonele rurale, unde dealtfel Chevron a si primit autorizatie de foraj, lumea depinde de calitatea apei din panza freatica. Compozitia lichidului injectat sub presiune este apa, nisip si compusi chimici. Companiile petroliere prin oamenii pe care ii au in Washington au facut presiuni imense asupra politicienilor pe care fireste i-au sustinut material in campaniile electorale, sa le permita sa declare respectivul lichid drept secret industrial si prin aceasta masura sa impiedice Ministerul Mediului (EPA- Environmental Protection Agency) sa acceseze documentatia care atesta natura compusilor chimici folositi. Daca o asemenea istorie a fost posibila in US, imaginati-va cat de usor le este in Romania. Personal cred ca Rosia Montana este in momentul de fata praf in ochii oamenilor pentru a masca ceea ce se intampla la Barlad sau in alte zone unde frakingul deja a inceput. Pretul aurului a scazut destul de semnificativ in ultima vreme pe cand barilul de petrol creste iar daca US incepe bombardamentul in SIria, petrolul va exploda. Pacat ca lumea e usor de pacalit iar politicienii nu au pic de suflet si totul se rezuma doar la bani.

    1. CITITI SI ORIPILATIVA pe site-ul acestui ex-comunist (zvonurile spun ca fiind in cercurile suspuse a comunistilor romani, a jefuit financiar, Romania in 1989 si a fugit in Canada; nu pot sa neg, nici sa confirm acest zvon) responsabil pentru catastrofa de la Rosia Montana si alte zone din Romania: si cititi acolo (in engleza) ABERATIILE pe care le pretinde/promite acest „GABRIEL-resources” in legatura cu Rosia Montana, si care e EXACT INVERSUL a ceea face de fapt!!!
      Acelasi lucru vedeti si la rubrica „Enviroment”, in stanga paginii de la link-ul susnumit.
      E ATAT SE ABERANT ce promite si debiteaza acolo in raport de CE FACE, si atat de aberant..(incl. ca ei „lupta efectiv la noi impotriva coruptiei” ;), „pentru oamenii din zona Rosia Montana” ;), „pentru mediul inconjurator” ;), ca „imparte veniturile minei cu localnicii din Rosia Montana” 😉 etc etc) incat e prea mult de analizat aberatiile lor de acolo, mai ales cand asta reiese clar din orice cuvant al lor pe site-ul si rubricile susnumite.
      Via link-ul de mai sus studiati si rubrica (sus) „Projects”, unde se pretinde ca Gabriel „lupta la Rosia impotriva degradarii mediului” 😉 (prin depozitarea aici a sute de mii de tone de cianura), adaugand ca astfel el creeaza aici „a brighter future” 😉 (localnicii vor lumina „bright” de atatea chimicale 😉 ), si ca ajuta masiv la GDP-ul Romaniei 😉 (cu cei 4%)
      Asta NICI CA PROPAGANDA CEAUSISTA retardata NU poate fii prezentata! Caci e SI MAI retardata! Si de ras.

  4. “Exista un loc în România în care toate cauzele lumii, de la cele de mediu până la cele legate de drepturile omului, se întâlnesc în lupta de a nu lăsa să fie distruse locuri și oameni. Propria cauză nu mai poate fii susținută decât dacă le integrezi și pe toate celelalte. Multumesc FânFest Roșia Montană, pentru că treziți conștiința noastră de a deveni responsabili nu numai pentru viața noastră, dar și pentru viețile celorlalți,” a mărturisit Mihaela Drăgan, unul dintre invitații festivalului.

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